Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Transport Planning

Today's Transport Committee heard from Peter Hendy and TfL Board member Christopher Garnett. The main subject was TfL's business plan which was unveiled yesterday, but there was a chance to catch up on other matters too.

Hammersmith Flyover

Peter Hendy criticised a BBC story as 'mendacious rubbish'! The Inside Out programme claimed that TfL ignored reports of structural weaknesses in the Hammersmith Flyover and that they should have closed the road to traffic earlier. Peter told us that the story was based on a report which envisaged possible risks and responses, rather than identifying a specific danger. He had written to the local MP, outlining his concerns but was reluctant to pursue the BBC over their flawed story, as they already had other problems to deal with...

Financial Settlement

TfL's settlement from Government is good for two and a half years. The committee were concerned that such a short term might jeopardise TfL's plans. Peter stated that the plans are secure but continuing short timescales would make it difficult to agree terms with suppliers and would prevent major commitments. Long timescales also allow negotiation of procurement rates which are more competitive.

TfL are continuing to work well with DfT despite the recent reshuffle which saw the departure of London based ministers Justine Greening and Theresa Villiers. Peter noted that the train builders are located close to the new Secretary of State's Derbyshire constituency, so he was optimistic that the minister would be positive about capital investment in London's transport.

We discussed other ways that TfL might raise revenue. They have the largest advertising contract in Britain which brings in much needed cash. They are also looking at sponsorship opportunities as well as ways to develop land profitably. Crossrail stations will include space for retail outlets which will allow for some rental income. Boris had suggested exporting TfL expertise during his visit to India. With growing cities planning to introduce mass transit, Peter Hendy could see a lucrative market for these skills, but not at a price of denuding London of its own experts.

TfL Board

Christopher Garnett is retiring after six years on the board. He explained how Livingstone's 'rubber stamp' has evolved into a much more hands on board, with members taking more detailed interest in the decisions and workings of the organisation. We wished him well for the future.

Industrial Action

Tony Arbour provoked heckling from the Labour members when he suggested introducing a participation limit on votes for industrial action. Peter Hendy said he shares our frustration at the large numbers of ballots for action, usually characterised by low participation, and leading to stories about strikes which then don't materialise. He praised the enthusiastic work of TfL employees but criticised their union leadership for failing to represent their members. However he noted that the Government are not keen on promoting industrial relations legislation so things are unlikely to change any time soon.

1 comment:

Morris Hickey said...

Peter Hendy is too benign towards Bliar's Broadcasting Company. It courts all the disasters it experiences tnrough incompetence and bad management, and should never be let off the hook over a blatantly false story.